Craft Baker

Career information

Sound like you?

Study areas
  • English or Media Studies or History
  • Maths or Accounting or Economics
  • Food or Nutrition
  • Physical Education or Health.
  • Reasonable strength and fitness
  • Good organisational skills
  • Good work habits/time management
  • Good at problem solving/creative.
Helpful experience
  • Customer service or helping people
  • Making or fixing things
  • Selling or persuading people
  • Working with machinery.
Preferred work environments
  • Indoor (workshop or plant)
  • One place every day.



Unit standards in School

  • NCEA Level 1 could be useful
  • Food Technology – Health and Safety
  • Baking
Entry level jobs


  • Craft baker
  • Plant baker
Advancing jobs

Higher learning

  • Test Bakery Technician
  • Team Leader
  • Specialist Technical Advisor
  • Supervisor.
Senior jobs

Higher learning

  • Production Manager
  • Plant Supervisor
  • Teacher/Tutor
  • Business Manager
  • Business Owner.
What do they do?

Craft bakers can work in small bakeries, patisseries, cafes, supermarkets and restaurants. They bake and decorate a range of food products and can specialise in a specific type of baking.

A typical day

Typically, an eight-hour day starting early or shift work.

Bakers can mix, prepare and bake bread, biscuit, cakes and pastries. they understand food hygiene and may also clean equipment, handle and order ingredients.

Craft bakers also learn to decorate baked goods.

The logistics sector needs skilled people

Learn more on the qualifications available.

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