Getting started

We offer support no matter what stage you’re at
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The best part? Earn while you learn - there's no student loan

You’ll get qualified without a student loan, all while learning practical skills from industry experts. You can put that money towards something else you really want – might be a new car, new tools or a new house.

Are you already working?

Your current employer might let you do an apprenticeship. All they need is the right information about how to make it work. Read up on the information for employers here. It will help you reassure your boss that it’s a good idea for both you and them.

If you and your current boss think an apprenticeship is right for you, here's how it works:

  • Contact us (use the chat bubble at the bottom right of the screen)
  • We assign you a training advisor
  • Work with your training advisor to sign up and start planning
  • Start your on-the-job training
  • Pass your unit standards
  • Earn your trade qualification.

Are you still at school?

Do you think an apprenticeship is what you want to do in the future? There are a few things you can do to give yourself the best chance of success.

  • If you start after secondary school
    There are some subjects that teach you useful skills for your apprenticeship training. These include maths, English, science, workshop and design technology, physics, graphics, chemistry, or NCEA Level 1 and Level 2 engineering unit standards.
  • If you start after tertiary study
    You can do a pre-apprenticeship course at a polytechnic or a training company. This will set you up well for your training. This kind of study will be recognised by an employer. If you’ve achieved a minimum of 50 credits, it’s a good indication that you will do well in an apprenticeship.

What if I'm already employed?

Half of the employers we work with are interested in upskilling their existing team. Have a chat with your manager about training as an apprentice; you can point them in our direction to see how we can help, and then contact us to get started. If you’re already working and have built up some skills, you can have them formally recognised as part of your training.

Still at school?

Do you think an apprenticeship is what you want to do in the future? There are a few things you can do to give yourself the best chance of success.

  • If you start after secondary school
    There are some subjects that teach you useful skills for your apprenticeship training. These include maths, English, science, workshop and design technology, physics, graphics, chemistry, or NCEA Level 1 and Level 2 engineering unit standards.
  • If you start after tertiary study
    You can do a pre-apprenticeship course at a polytechnic or a training company. This will set you up well for your training. This kind of study will be recognised by an employer. If you’ve achieved a minimum of 50 credits, it’s a good indication that you will do well in an apprenticeship.

Just keen to be an apprentice?

If you are ready to start now, check out our get ready for your trade career page.

Where does Competenz come in?

We manage and support your learning as you work through your apprenticeship, providing you and your employer with study materials, resources and support.

We can help you find an employer who will take you on as an apprentice, if you don’t already have a job. Competenz works with 37 different trades sectors to find the right people.

We can also give you career advice, and help you out if you need to improve your reading, writing or maths ability.

Are you in the loop?
Watch our video explaining our transition to Te Pūkenga