Consultation on proposed changes to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system

The consultation period will run from 1 August to 12 September 2024

In 2023 the Government committed to disestablish Te Pūkenga and restore regional decision-making for vocational education and training.

Consultation on what will replace Te Pūkenga has now opened, with three areas where the Government is seeking feedback through this consultation process:

  • a return to a regional institutes of technology and polytechnics (ITP) network that would see a combination of stand-alone ITPs and others joined in a federation model
  • Two options for an industry-led system for standards-setting and industry training
  • Proposed changes to the funding for vocational education and training to better support the reformed system.

Competenz is part of the Work Based Learning (WBL) division of Te Pūkenga.


Please visit the TEC website for information about the consultation. As well as the Ministry of Education (MOE) website.

As the government rolls out three interconnected proposals to redesign the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, we are here to help you and your networks navigate these changes.

Proposed impact on Competenz

The Government is considering two approaches to the structure of standards-setting and industry training that will influence Competenz.

Option A: Industry Training Boards

  • Structure: Establish up to eight ndustry Training Boards, similar to the previous Industry Training     Organisations (ITOs).
  • Responsibility: These boards would handle both industry standards-setting and arranging industry training.
  • Governance: Each board would be an independent statutory body, with a mix of industry and ministerial appointees (majority industry-appointed).

Option B: Industry-Specific Standards-Setting Bodies

  • Structure: Replace Workforce Development Councils with up to eight focused, industry-specific     standards-setting bodies.
  • Responsibility: These bodies would handle standards-setting, qualification development, workforce     forecasting, and ensuring industry needs are met.
  • Training Arrangement: Industry training would be arranged by ITPs (Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics), PTEs (Private Training Establishments), and Wānanga, as it     is today.

Key Distinction in Training Arrangement:

  • Option A: Industry TrainingBoards would arrange industry training directly.
  • Option B: Multiple providers, including ITPs, PTEs, and Wānanga, would continue to offer industry training, maintaining the current model of diverse providers.

As part of moving to either model, the Government would also look at how industry coverage can be organised to ensure it appropriately reflects industry needs.

As part of our commitment to supporting New Zealand’s vocational education system, Competenz has submitted our official response to the Vocational Education and Training(VET) consultation.

This submission reflects the collective feedback from across our industry sectors, employers, and Competenz staff. In this report we have highlighted key principles and provided recommendations to ensure an industry-driven, learner-focused balanced approach in shaping the future of vocational education.

We invite youto review our submission via the link below:

View Our Consultation Submission

Key dates

  • 1 August – 12 September 2024
    • Consultation
  • October – December 2024
    • Decisions to be taken and confirmed, with recommendations to cabinet end of November 2024
  • January – June 2025
    • Legislative process will occur
  • 1 January 2026
    • New system comes into effect

Workforce Development Councils

All Competenz qualification standards setting and external moderation functions were transferred to four of the six new councils, as follows: