Te Pūkenga

Competenz is a Business Division of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Workforce Development CouncilsReform of Vocational Education

Training at Competenz?

Following the new Government’s announcement of its intention to disestablish Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, please be assured that your, or your learner’s, training programme will continue as planned while we work through the details of how this change will be implemented.

We are committed to ensuring that organisational changes that need to be made to meet the Government’s expectations do not impact the delivery of our programmes and training for our learners and employers.

If you need access to learner support services, or have any concerns, please contact your Training Advisor, Account Manager or info@competenz.org.nz.

What is Te Pūkenga?

Competenz is part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, the result of a merger of the 16 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics and the 11 transitional industry training organisations (TITOs).

Te Pūkenga has been set up as part of the Government’s Reform of Vocational Education. Te Pūkenga is creating a network of online, on-campus and on-job learning to give learners more flexibility in what, where and how they learn.

Read more about Te Pūkenga

How does this affect our learners and employers?

Being a part of Te Pūkenga means we will be more connected to the other organisations in delivering vocational and applied education in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we will work with them to share skills and knowledge to better help you succeed.

From 2023, all Competenz learners will be enrolled with Te Pūkenga, instead of Competenz. It’s important to note that our services and qualifications have not changed. Support for our employers and ākonga continues, with the same team members you work with now, in the same ways and places you’re used to.

This is an exciting evolution for Competenz, and we are proud to have been the first TITO to join the Te Pūkenga whānau.

We are immersed in the journey to reshape and grow vocational education in Aotearoa. This coming together of work-based, online and classroom learning will deliver the best possible outcomes for our employers and learners, who are always at the heart of everything we do.

You will see more communication about this change over the next few months. If you have any questions meanwhile, or would like more information about this change, please contact us at VET@competenz.org.nz.
