Saw Doctoring

Career information

Forestry is an industry that offers great career opportunities. Find the one that fits you here.

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Sound like you?

Study areas
  • Maths or Accounting or Economics
  • Computing/ICT/Information Management.
  • Confident communicator
  • Good literacy and numeracy
  • Confidence with IT, computers, technology
  • Good work habits/time management.
Helpful experience
  • Customer service or helping people
  • Working with machinery.
Preferred work environments
  • Inside (workshop or plant)
  • Different places from time to time.



Unit standards in schools

NCEA Level 2 is recommended

Entry level jobs

Traineeship or apprenticeship

  • Saw Doctor.
Advanced jobs

Higher learning

  • Team Leader.
  • Supervisor.
Senior jobs

Higher learning

  • Business Manager.
  • Business Owner.

What do they do?

Saw doctors align and maintain bandsaws and circular saws used in wood manufacturing operations, and calibrate saw benching machinery. They know the requirements of equipment used in wood manufacturing operations.

A typical day

Typically, eight to ten-hour days. Weekend work may be required.

They set and calibrate saw mill saw centres, monitor saw alignment, grind or sharpen saws and guards to specification.

The logistics sector needs skilled people

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