Wood Panel Worker

Career information

Sound like you?

Study areas
  • English
  • Maths or Accounting or Economics
  • Sciences or Workshop Technology
  • Computing/ICT/Information Management.
  • Strong eye for detail
  • Good literacy and numeracy
  • Confidence with IT, computers, technology
  • Good at problem solving/creative
Helpful experience
  • Working with facts and figures
  • Analysing, researching or problem solving
  • Working with computers
  • Working with machinery
Preferred work environments
  • Indoors (workshop or plant)
  • One place every day



NCEA Level 2 is recommended

Entry level jobs


  • Wood Panel Worker
Advancing jobs

Higher learning

  • Team leader
Senior jobs

Higher learning

  • Business Manager

What do they do?

Wood panel workers process wood chip or logs into manufactured products by binding or fixing the strands, particles, fibres, veneers or boards of wood together with adhesives. These products are made to precise design specifications that are tested to meet national or international standards.  

A typical day

Typically, an eight-hour day or shift work.

They prepare logs, wood chips and other raw materials for production, monitor and control computerised panel pressing machinery, operate sanding and stacking lines and grade product to specification.

The logistics sector needs skilled people

Learn more on the qualifications available.

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