Train Manager

Career information

Sound like you?

Study areas
  • Maths or Accounting or Economics
  • Computing/ICT Information Management.
  • Good literacy and numeracy
  • Confidence with IT Computers, technology
  • Good work habits
  • Time management
Helpful experience
  • Customer service or helping people
  • Working with machinery
  • Interest or experience with trains.
  • Working with people
Preferred work environments
  • Outside (in vehicles)
  • Different places from time to time.



No minimum entry requirement

Entry level jobs


  • Train Manager
Advancing jobs

Higher learning

  • Team Leader

What do they do?

Train managers are responsible for rail passenger comfort and safety. They manage passenger loading and unloading, provide passengers with information and may issue tickets, handle money and operate emergency equipment.

A typical day

Typically train drivers work shifts but may have a ten-hour day.

Train managers manage fares and tickets, attend to passengers, conduct safety checks, operate carriage doors, supervise boarding and passenger safety, and ensure carriages are clean and safe.

The logistics sector needs skilled people

Learn more on the qualifications available.

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