Print Trainer of the Year shares valuable experience

May 28, 2019

Jenkins Freshpac Systems Production Manager Ross Craig was awarded the Trainer of the Year title at the recent PrintNZ awards.

Mr Craig, who has 19 years in the industry with Jenkins, said while he was “quite proud” to have been named Trainer of the Year, it also has a lot to do with the company he works for.

“Jenkins provides me with a lot of opportunity. I started as an apprentice myself, so through them I’ve managed to learn a lot and gain a lot of experience, and to pass it on is valuable.”

He is looking forward to advancing three current Jenkins’ apprentices as well as developing other exciting initiatives within the company.

“They are starting training programmes now for our bindery team and we are going to push those through. We have a couple of stars that we want to see outside of the direct general manufacturing papers – communications and admin.

“Jenkins is always looking to new technology and innovative ideas, and I want to be a part of that. I think in the next two or three years there is going to be some interesting concepts and interesting groundwork and I’d like to still be around there to watch it, help with it and lead it.”

Competenz Training Advisor Grant Alsop described Mr Craig as a “very supportive” trainer.

“Ross allows the apprentice time for my visits with no time pressure, he enjoys seeing the progress they are making and is very encouraging.

“He also arranges regular meetings with them individually to discuss what units they are working on and plans specific tasks to assist with their training relating to these units. He goes through their workbooks and he checks and signs off on their written and observation assignments.”

Photo: PrintNZ Trainer of the Year Ross Jenkins, Freshpac Systems Production Manager

