RoVE bill passes final reading

February 20, 2020

The bill that brings together all 16 of the country's polytechnics by establishing the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (NZIST) has passed its third and final reading in Parliament.

The Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Bill passed by 63 votes to 57 on Wednesday 19 February.

About the bill’s passing Education Minister Chris Hipkins said: “This is a watershed day for trades and vocational education. These law changes formalise the process of creating a strong, unified, sustainable system to set us up to respond to skills shortages and prepare for the future of work.”

The Bill:

  • gives industry greater leadership across vocational education and training by establishing workforce development councils (WDCs)
  • establishes the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (NZIST), which will bring together all 16 polytechnics and institutes of technology to provide, arrange and support vocational education and training across the country
  • introduces a new regulatory framework for vocational education and training.

Read the full press release from Education Minister Chris Hipkins.
