February 15, 2019
You may have seen the news this week that the government has proposed major changes to New Zealand’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, which will impact all polytechnics and industry training organisations (ITOs) like Competenz.
At this stage it’s only a proposal. The consultation period starts now and we have six weeks to gather your thoughts and respond. We'll also be asking your employer what they think.
What's all this talk about polytechs and ITOs changing?
The government proposes to establish a unified national system of vocational education and training. It's a pretty massive change and we are working to get our heads around what this actually means for Competenz.
Will this affect my apprenticeship or qualification?
What is Competenz doing?
What can I do to help?
We will be surveying our learners so keep an eye on your inbox or social media for how you can have your say.
Where can I find more information?